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Fund Match

Hana Bank is one of the major banks in Korea. Fund Match is a search feature that allows users to find the perfect government funds for their businesses. 


Project Vision.

Who’s the users & what’s their needs

For most small business owners loans are inevitable to run their businesses.
There are government funds available for them, but regulations and policies can be complex, requiring a lot of time and effort to research. It is necessary to enable each business owner to make customized inquiries and obtain
only the necessary information they need.


We will create a customized search service with both usefulness and usability.
By simply inputting basic information, business owners can quickly search for government funds that fit their needs. Additionally, non-members will also be able to conduct searches, and we will guide them through the process of
actually obtaining the funds, rather than just ending the service at the search stage. This will attract actual loan customers, making the service more than just a tool for searching government funds.


Challenge 1

All users, both non-members and members, can freely utilize this service

Challenge 2

Provide a seamless & linear experience

Challenge 3

Functional & User-Friendly UI


Solution 1

All users, both non-members and members, can freely utilize this service

Applying for a loan requires a great deal of caution and care, especially for small business owners who want to know which funds are suitable for them and what the interest rates are before making a decision. To make the service more convenient for all users, the service should allow them to easily use it even without logging in. Since important company information such as the business registration number needs to be entered, the user's data should be protected by not storing it if the user does not want to connect with a branch consultant. However, for users who want to apply for a loan, the service should smoothly connect them with a consultation branch to facilitate the loan application process.


Non-members can use the service. When they want to process further, they can sign up.


If users attempt to exit, a popup comes up and checks if the users want to save the input data for the future. If Non-member says Yes, she is directed to join the bank.

Solution 2

Provide a seamless & linear experience

To search for government funds, a lot of information about the company is required. Therefore, instead of having users input information on multiple screens, it is designed to be completed in one screen. After inputting the information, the funds are immediately displayed, along with reasons for being eligible or ineligible. This is done to provide users with all the necessary information without having to Google additional information.


Give useful details about next steps for the users.


All the inputs including mandatory and optional are on one page. 

Solution 3

Functional & User-Friendly UI

Create a simple and user-friendly interface that eliminates user prejudices about government funds, which can be perceived as complex regulations and rules.


When filling out the form, provide the tool tips about unfamiliar terms.


On result page, give them a brief information and highlight important factors.


Freedom comes with responsibility

This project personally means a lot to me since it was the first project where I was given a lot of freedom. Even for small features, I needed a well-planned approach and solid reasoning to convince everyone. Also, it reminded me that regardless of the outcome, I need to have leadership and a sense of responsibility to see the project through from start to finish.

©2023 All Rights Reserved to Jiin Lee

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